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Engineering Calculators


Use the below links to navigate to these sections of this page:


Temperature   |   Length   |   Weight   |   Pressure   |   Density   |   Thermal Conductivity   |   Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion

Temperature Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator


Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
°Fahrenheit  =   °Celsius

°Celsius  =    °Kelvin

For Reference:
 -40 °F = -40 °C
 1 ° C is equal to 1.8 °F
Absolute Zero = -459.4 °F = -273 °C = 0 °K
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Length Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator


Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
inches  =    mm

feet  =    meters



For Reference:
1 meter = 39.37 inches = 3.281 feet
1 foot = 0.3058 meters = 30.58 cm = 305.8 mm
1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm
.001 inch = 1 mil = 0.0254 mm = 25.4 microns (or µm)
.001 mm = 1 micron (or µm) = 10,000 Angstroms
1 mile = 5280 feet = 1609.4 meters
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Weight Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator

Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
pounds  =    kilograms

For Reference:
1 pound = 0.4545 kilogram
1 kilogram = 2.20 pounds
1 gram = 0.0352 ounces = 0.0022 pounds
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Pressure (Force/Area) Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator



Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
X 103 psi  =    MPa

X 103 psi  =    kg/cm2

For Reference:
1 psi = 1 pound per square inch = 6895 Pa (Pascal)
1 kpsi = 1 X 103 psi = 6895 KPa = 6.9 MPa
1 MPa = 1 X 103 KPa = 1 X 106 Pa
1 kpsi = 70.03 kg/cm2 (kilograms per square centimeter)
1 Pa = 1 Newton per square meter
.98 MPa = 10.0 kg/cm2   or   1 MPa = 10.20 kg/cm2
1 atm = 14.7 psi = 101,325 Pascals = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr

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Density Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator

Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
lb/in3  =    g/cm3

For Reference:
1 lb/in3 = 27.67 g/cm3
Specific Gravity = ratio of density of material to density of water
(therefore, SpG of water = 1.00 by definition)
materials with density < 1.00 will float on water
materials with density > 1.00 will sink in water
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Thermal Conductivity Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator

Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.


BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F  =    X 10- 4 cal-cm/cm2-sec-°C

BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F  =    W/m-°C

For Reference:
1 BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F = 3.445 X 10- 4 cal-cm/cm2-sec-°C
1 cal-cm/cm2-sec-°C = 2902.92 BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F
1 W/m-°K = 6.933 BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F
1 BTU-in/ft2-hr-°F = 0.144 W/m-°K
(higher number = better conductor = poorer insulator)
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Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE) Unit of Measure

Conversion Calculator

Enter a number in either field, then click outside the text box.
in/in-°F  =    mm/mm-°C

For Reference:
Linear Dimensional Change = CLTE times Temperature Change (in degrees)
(higher CLTE = material expands and contracts more with temperature changes)
NOTE: CLTE's are VERY small numbers that are usually expressed
in negative powers of 10. For example, 1 X 10- 5 = 0.00001 = 10 ppm
1 X 10-6 = 0.000001 = 1 ppm (part per million)
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