IMPORTANT ALERT: website customers who registered after 10/07/24 on our website will need to re-register for Online Ordering and product RFQ submissions at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.





REACH Compliance - Our REACH Compliance Statement 

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. is fully aware of the requirements of REACH, the new European Union (EU) Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals and the dates by which various activities must be implemented. It is our intention to assist our customers and suppliers in full compliance with the legal requirements of REACH.

Boedeker Plastics, Inc. is a United States based distributor (reseller) of plastic materials in sheet, rod, tube, and a producer of machined parts forms only. No formulating, compounding, mixing, production, melting, or other chemical change of plastic materials is performed by our company. As such, Boedeker Plastics, Inc. is classified as a distributor and a downstream user under the REACH definitions and therefore we are not required to pre-register or register any products or formulations.

It is our intention to:

• Identify all substances within the products we sell, to the best of our ability, and encourage our suppliers (manufacturers or distributors) to pre-register these substances with the ECHA and/or the proper EU authorities as required by REACh.

• Communicate sufficient information to relevant stakeholders in order to provide information on identified uses of the products we sell within the meaning of REACH.

• Follow instructions on Safety Data Sheets and information provided on exposure scenarios.

• Provide our customers with information regarding hazards, risks and safe conditions of use of the products we sell via the manufacturers’ Material Safety Data Sheets.

If you have questions concerning Boedeker Plastics’ position on REACH compliance of the plastic materials that you purchase from our company, please CONTACT US for REACH compliance information on a specific product and our Materials Compliance Manager will respond to your request

Related REACH Links

NOTE: All links above are provided for reference only. Linked sites are not affiliated with our company and the accuracy of the information therein is not guaranteed nor implied. 


RoHS Directives Compliance - Our RoHS / RoHS2 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT

In 2006, the European Union passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Directive into law. Effective July 2006, the RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC) banned the sale of all new electrical and electronic equipment that contains more than designated maximum allowable levels of the substances listed below.  In May 2011, an updated RoHS2 directive (2011/65/EU) added new categories to the list of affected end products, but the list of restricted substances and permitted levels was not changed.

On July 22, 2019 an additional 4 phthalates will be restricted substances under Directive (EU) 2015/863 to amend Annex II to EU RoHS (Directive 2011/65/EU).

The following substances are regulated by this:

- chromium(VI) < 0.1 %

- mercury < 0.1 %

- lead < 0.1 %

- cadmium < 0.01 %

- polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) < 0.1 %

- polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) < 0.1 %

- penta-BDE, octa-BDE, deca-BDE < 0.1 %

- bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) < 0.1 % - added under 2015/863

- butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) < 0.1 % - added under 2015/863

- dibutyl phthalate (DBP) < 0.1 % - added under 2015/863

- diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) < 0.1 % - added under 2015/863

The plastic and composite materials and parts we distribute and manufacture do not fall under the scope of Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS.

Boedeker Plastics is a distributor of plastic materials in pre-molded stock shape forms and manufacturer of machined and molded plastic parts. We can and do hereby certify that Boedeker Plastics does not add any RoHS-restricted materials during its cutting, shaping, forming, storage, machining, molding or handling processes. To the best of our knowledge, plastic materials that we sell do not contain any chemical of concern above the limits designated in the original RoHS Directive or any of its amendments.

As a distributor and manufacturer, Boedeker Plastics does not formulate or manufacture any of the raw materials that we sell. Chemicals contained in the materials or used in the manufacturing of the materials are selected and used at the sole discretion of the manufacturer and are often considered intellectual properties. Accordingly, we are unable to represent or certify to our customers the exact ingredients that are contained in or used in the manufacturing processes of the materials we provide for resale. Any certification of chemical content is the sole responsibility of the respective manufacturers.

If you have questions concerning Boedeker Plastics’ position on RoHS compliance of the plastic materials please CONTACT US with the specific material in question and our Materials Compliance Manager will respond to your request.


Related RoHS Reference Links 

NOTE: All links above are provided for reference only. Linked sites are not affiliated with our company and the accuracy of the information therein is not guaranteed nor implied. 


WEEE Directive

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) is the European Community directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which, together with the RoHS Directive, became European Law in February 2003. The WEEE Directive set collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods, with a minimum rate of 4 kilograms per head of population per annum recovered for recycling by 2009. In June 2012, the European Commission (EC) published an updated WEEE Directive with more aggressive recycling and waste collection targets for electronic equipment in Europe. Exporters to the EU should be aware of the revised proper product testing and reporting requirements. 

Boedeker Plastics is an independent distributor of plastic materials in pre-molded stock shape forms. To the best of our knowledge, plastic materials that we sell do not contain any chemical of concern above the limits that would affect or apply to any version of the WEEE Directive. 

Related WEEE Reference Links 

NOTE: All links above are provided for reference only. Linked sites are not affiliated with our company and the accuracy of the information therein is not guaranteed nor implied. 
