Proposed ECHA REACH Annex XVII Restriction of PFAS in Plastics
In early 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed a REACH Annex XVII restriction on per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This proposal expands the definition of PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, to include over 10,000 chemicals, among them fluoropolymers such as PTFE, PVDF, ECTFE, PFA, and others. (MCG, 2025)
Fluoropolymers are used extensively across various industries, and the ECHA proposal's potential limitation of these materials will impact many applications. Boedeker Plastics is collaborating with our manufacturing partners to closely monitor the progress of the proposed legislation and its implications for our customers and the materials that contain fluoropolymers.
Until the new PFAS restrictions or bans are finalized and implemented, this page serves as a reference for customers currently using engineering thermoplastics containing PTFE or other fluoropolymers to prepare for the potential need to replace these materials.